Student Life


OLPH School students wear an official school uniform as strictly defined by a definite uniform policy.  To ensure that every OLPH student is in uniform according to code, all uniform items must be purchased from the designated uniform company, Lands' End.  The Parent Club holds a Uniform Exchange where parents can participate in a moneysaving uniform exchange throughout the school year.

Uniform Policy

List of 13 items.

  • Girls Gr. K-5

    • Dennis Uniform black watch plaid jumper, along with Dennis uniform white shirt or long sleeve blouse with Peter Pan collar.
    • Dennis Uniform black watch plaid pants, along with Dennis uniform white shirt or long sleeve oxford blouse. Please note – the blouse with the Peter Pan collar may NOT be worn with school pants.
    • Dennis Uniform navy blue cardigan sweater or OLPH sweatshirt (optional)
    • Sweatshirt is available at the OLPH bookstore
    • Navy blue knee socks or navy blue tights must be worn with the school jumper
    • Plain white ankle socks (no logos) must be worn with school pants.
  • Girls Gr. 6-8

    • Dennis Uniform blackwatch plaid or navy pants
    • Dennis Uniform white oxford cloth blouse (short or long sleeve)
    • Dennis Uniform hunter green fleece v-neck vest (required)
    • Plain navy blue or plain white socks (no logos)
  • Warm Weather Uniform

    • Dennis Uniform black watch plaid walking shorts (No more than 3 inches above the knee)
    • Dennis Uniform white jersey polo shirt
    • OLPH Sweatshirt (optional)
    • Plain white ankle socks (no logos) to be worn at or above the ankle
    • Same shoe requirement listed above
  • Girls Gr. K-8 Footwear

    Leather or leather-like non-athletic dress shoes:
    • Kindergarteners do not have shoe requirement – they may wear gym shoes
    • No boots, mocs or Toms
    • Top Siders may be worn – but must be plain solid leather – no fabric or patterned panels
    • Colors must be solid navy, black or dark brown (no tan)
    • Must be buckle, tie or loafer
    • Must have closed toe and back
    • The heel and sole of the shoe must be no higher than 1 1/2 inches.
  • Girls Regulations

    • School shorts, and jumpers must not be higher than 3 inches above the knee.
    • Barrettes, bows, headbands, and scrunchies are the only acceptable hair accessories:
    • They should compliment the uniform rather than detract from it.
    • They should be simple, rather than ornate and blend with the color scheme of the uniform itself. (navy, white, forest green or black)
    • OLPH School does not prohibit hairstyles that have been historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture. This may include, but is not limited to braids, locks and twists.

    • Only a watch and one stud pair of earrings are permitted.
    • Hair should be well groomed.
    • Nail polish may NOT be worn.
    • Cosmetics are not encouraged, but a hint of make-up is acceptable only in 8th grade.
  • Girls Non-Uniform Policy

    On occasion, the school announces a “non-uniform day” which allows students to wear appropriate attire for particular school activities. There are three types of non-uniform days: dress up, casual and athletic non-uniform.
    • Dress up non-uniform days - students are expected to dress as if they are attending a special occasion. Gym shoes, and jeans are not permitted. Shoes must have closed toe and back.
    • Casual non-uniform days - students may wear gym shoes and jeans, but nothing ripped or torn. Students are allowed to wear leggings with a shirt, shorts or skirt that is fingertip length.
    • Athletic non-uniform days - students are expected to wear gym shoes and dress in appropriate athletic apparel, allowing them to easily participate in the activities of the day.
    Clothes bearing offensive slogans, logos, or graphic designs inappropriate for a Christian environment are never permitted. Additionally, overly casual clothes are not permitted, including shirts that bare the midriff, sleeveless shirts/dresses with straps narrower than 2 inches, or shorts and/or skirts higher than 5 inches above the knee.
  • Physical Education Uniform Gr. 4-8

    • OLPH T-Shirt (available in OLPH bookstore)
    • OLPH gym shorts (available in OLPH bookstore)
    • Plain white ankle socks (no logos)
    • Gym shoes
    • Towel
  • Boys Gr. K-5

    • Dennis Uniform navy pants (twill, corduroy, flat front or pleated)
    • Dennis Uniform light blue oxford shirt (short or long sleeve)
    • Dennis Uniform navy V-neck sweater or OLPH sweatshirt (optional)
    • Hunter Green OLPH Sweatshirt – available at the OLPH bookstore (optional)
    • Plain white socks (no logos)
  • Boys Gr. 6-8

    • Dennis Uniform navy pants (twill, corduroy, plain flat front or pleated)
    • Dennis Uniform white oxford cloth shirts (short or long sleeve)
    • Dennis Uniform hunter green fleece v-neck vest (required)
    • Plain navy or white socks (no logos)
  • Warm Weather Uniform

    • Dennis Uniform navy shorts
    • Dennis Uniform white jersey polo shirt
    • Hunter Green OLPH Sweatshirt – available at the OLPH bookstore (optional)
    • Plain white ankle socks (no logos) to be worn at or above the ankle
    • Same shoe requirement 
  • Boys Gr. K-8 Footwear

    Leather or leather-like non-athletic dress shoes:
    • Kindergarteners do not have shoe requirement – they may wear gym shoes
    • No boots, mocs, or Toms
    • Top Siders may be worn – but must be plain solid leather – no fabric or patterned panels
    • Colors must be solid navy, black or dark brown (no tan),
    • Must be buckle (metal or Velcro) tie, or loafer
    • Must have closed toe and back
  • Boys Regulations

    • Belts are the only accessory worn.
    – They should be solid navy, black or brown.

    • A watch is the only acceptable piece of jewelry.
    • Hair should be well groomed:
    Must be cut:
    • Above the collar
    • Over the ears
    • Above the eyebrows
    • The bulk of the hair shall not exceed approx. 2 inches. Bulk is defined as the mass of hair that protrudes from the scalp.
    No fad styles are permitted; traditional haircuts are required.
    • OLPH School does not prohibit hairstyles that have been historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture. This may include, but is not limited to braids, locks and twists.
  • Boys Non-Uniform Policy

    On occasion, the school announces a “non-uniform day” which allows students to
    wear appropriate attire for particular school activities. There are three types of
    non-uniform days: dress up, casual and athletic non-uniform.
    • Dress up non-uniform days - students are expected to dress as if they are attending a special occasion. Gym shoes, open-back shoes without heel support, and jeans are not permitted.
    • Casual non-uniform days - students may wear gym shoes and jeans, but nothing ripped or torn.
    • Athletic non-uniform days - students are expected to wear gym shoes and dress in appropriate athletic apparel, allowing them to easily participate in the activities of the day.
    Clothes bearing offensive slogans, logos, or graphic designs inappropriate for a Christian environment are never permitted. Additionally, overly casual clothes are not permitted, including shirts that bare the midriff, sleeveless shirts with straps narrower than 2 inches, or shorts higher than 5 inches above the knee.

Dress Code Violations

The administration reserves the right to determine appropriate dress. If a student in Gr. 4-8 is in violation of the Dress Code, he/she will be sent to the Assistant Principal’s office and will receive a detention. Uniform Detentions are served on Tuesdays from 2:20-3:00 pm.
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