
Learning Support Services

When a child is struggling to learn and/or consistently unsuccessful at school, parents or teachers may suspect a problem exists. If hearing, speech, or vision screening does not reveal a problem, it may be advisable to professionally assess a child’s learning development. Teacher observations combined with a series of diagnostic testing are valuable in evaluating learning development. Once a learning development issue is identified, OLPH provides onsite educational support in reading and math. In groups of two or three, students in the learning development program receive the professional guidance they need to succeed in school.

Reading Support Services
Early assessment of reading skills may indicate a need for additional educational support. When that is the case, OLPH provides kindergarten through fifth grade students with onsite services of a reading specialist. The specialist offers individual instruction to improve such skills as reading comprehension, word attack, fluency, and expression.

Speech and Language Support Services
Research indicates there is a strong connection between language development and proficiency in reading and writing. In an effort to identify and provide early assistance to those who may require help in language development, OLPH speech teachers screen each student in kindergarten through third grade. The speech department also responds to teacher referrals or parent requests for older students who exhibit problems in language development. Initial screening may indicate a need for additional diagnostic evaluation. Once a language development issue is identified, students meet two or three times weekly with a speech teacher on school premises.

List of 6 members.

  • Photo of Mariann Bilas

    Mrs. Mariann Bilas 

    Reading Specialist
  • Photo of Michele Groose

    Mrs. Michele Groose 

    Resource Teacher
  • Photo of Ashley Miller

    Mrs. Ashley Miller 

  • Photo of Elizabeth Stefo

    Mrs. Elizabeth Stefo 

    Resource Teacher
  • Photo of Rosanne Imburgia

    Ms. Rosanne Imburgia 

    Seventh Grade LA Teacher
  • Photo of Mary Bissing

    Miss Mary Bissing 

    Resource Teacher
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