

Welcome Back Warriors!

We are proud of all our Alumni and welcome you back on campus at any time. This is your page where you will find Alumni achievements, Class Reunion information, Alumni newsletters and ways to connect.

Stay Connected!

List of 4 items.

  • Class Reunions

    Although we typically highlight in the fall those classes celebrating 5 and 10 year Reunions, we welcome a gathering of any class, at any time. Reunite and reminisce with a tour of the school, a class photo, Mass, and an off campus celebration organized by alumni from your class.
    For details about specific Class Reunions click Upcoming Reunions
  • Career Day

    Return to campus for an informative morning in May and join our panel of Alumni. Share your career experience with our graduating class and give them the opportunity to learn about various career paths and how OLPH School impacted your choices.
  • Update Your Contact Info

    Update or Add your contact information by completing the Alumni Update Form.
  • Warrior Spiritwear

    Show your Warrior Pride!  We have a great selection of Alumni Spiritwear that can be shipped directly to you! Click ALUMNI WARRIOR WEAR to view and order.

Alumni Newsletters

Featured Alumni ...

List of 11 news stories.

  • OL Alumnae Featured at the Griffin MS+I

    Monica Rho, Class of 1994 - During Women’s History Month, the Griffin Museum of Science+Industry featured female trailblazers in STE(A)M who have made significant contributions in their fields. Our own Dr. Rho, a sports medicine physiatrist, was one of 100+ women highlighted! 
  • First OL Female Eagle Scout!

    Michaela Kissner, Class of 2021 - History has been made at OL! Michaela was awarded the rank as first female Eagle Scout, in the parish,  for Troop 57! 
  • October Class Reunions

    Three of our graduating classes remembered "the good OL days" during their October school reunions. A school tour, Mass, and then a celebration off campus. Congratulations to all of our graduates for keeping the memories alive!
    Stay tuned Class of 2005 as more information will follow for your 20th reunion on Saturday, May 10, 2025.
  • Class of 1969 55th October Reunion

  • Class of 1974 50th October Reunion

  • Class of 1984 40th October Reunion

  • Graduate Attends the National Eucharistic Congress

    Alyson Ludden, Class of 2017 - Alyson, currently attending Villanova U, and her father, Dave attended the National Eucharistic Congress held in Indianapolis this past summer. Read Alyson’s reflections in the parish bulletin dated 8/11/24.
  • OL Alumnae Plays D1 Volleyball

    Olivia Van Kooten, Class of 2020, a National Honor Society member at GBS for 2 years, committed to play D1 volleyball at Canisius U. Read the University's press release. Go Golden Griffins!
  • Arch Golden Rose Award

    We are so proud of Kate Ludden, OL Class of 2020 upon receiving a 2024 Golden Rose Award, given by the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, acknowledging outstanding teens. Kate is currently a student at Regina Dominican HS.
  • Class of 1990 Celebrates Their "30+3" Reunion!

    After a COVID sideline, the Class of 1990 enthusiastically celebrated a "30+3" reunion on Saturday, 10/21. Invited guests included our own Ms. Parsek (Asst. Principal) and Mrs. Hanrahan (Director of Kindergarten). With familiar Hackney's fare the evening included a video presentation of classmates, plenty of memorabilia and OL trivia swag.
    Donations in memory of deceased classmates are requested for The John J. Dussman Scholarship Fund.
  • Alum Takes on the Music World!

    Ally Nicholas, OL Class of 2012 - Ally is an alt-pop singer/songwriter living in LA.  Check out her songs/videos on Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud or Youtube under Ally Nicholas. Her latest songs, Fall into You and Seventeen are doing well and hoping for a recording deal. In a radio interview, Ally said her OLPH school experience was the best in the world!
“When I came to OLPH as a third grader, I was far behind my peers academically. Had it not been for the army of teachers, coaches, nuns and priests at OL, I never would have been able to achieve what I have. My education at OLPH facilitated much more than just academic success, but also fostered a deep sense of service and compassion. It is the cultivation of these intrinsic values that makes my time spent at OLPH invaluable!”

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Kathy Romano

    Ms. Kathy Romano 

    Director of Development

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