
Parent Club

OLPH School Parent Club

The mission of the OLPH School Parent Club is to enhance home and school communication, facilitate opportunities to meet other parents, provide on-going parent education, raise funds for the school, and coordinate the school’s volunteer service corps.

OLPH Parent Club Meetings

The OLPH School Parent Club meetings are held monthly on Friday mornings at 8:30 am in Hickey Hall in the Parish Center (formerly the convent). Meetings are approximately one hour in length. In addition to current parents, Dr. Mills (principal) and other school staff attend the monthly meetings. Topics of discussion are centered on volunteer opportunities, school news, and school social events. All parents are encouraged to attend and participate. Young children are welcome.

List of 3 items.

"Transferring to OLPH has been a blessing for our family - and for that I thank you."

List of 2 events.

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Parent Club Exec Board

Jen Sorrow

Vice President
Clare Martin


Nancy Di Vito


Eileen Haley

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