
Catholic Identity

Opening themselves to the transforming power of the Spirit of God, children at OLPH School engage in personal and communal prayer, reflection and action. Through regular liturgies, prayer services, and daily prayer, children grow in their personal and active faith in God.

Through the example of the staff and the daily experiences of the curriculum, children learn the truths of our faith, study and appreciate Scripture, and respond to the call of service to the poor.

The heart of spiritual life of the school is the celebration of Mass. As a Catholic school OLPH observes all Holy Days of Obligation, grade level Masses are celebrated weekly, and the school community gathers for Mass and prayer services once a month.
“Our family is so grateful for all you have done to provide our children with the best Catholic education … We will forever be grateful!”

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  • Liturgies & Prayer Services

    School Liturgies and Prayer Services not only allow students to express and celebrate a shared faith, but also provide opportunities to learn and practice appropriate Church etiquette. Respect for God, self, and others is exhibited by reverent and reflective behavior in Church at all times. Parents are always welcome at school liturgies and prayer services. They join teachers in modeling Church decorum for children.
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  • Sacraments at OLPH School

    Eighth Grade Confirmation and Reception: Having completed ten hours of service and months of religious instruction, eighth graders are serious about renewing their Baptismal commitment in the Sacrament of Confirmation. A chosen sponsor witnesses the solemn event during a liturgy celebrated by a visiting Bishop. While it is no longer necessary to choose a new name for Confirmation, students may continue the tradition of assuming a saint’s name for the ceremony, if desired. A reception is held for eighth graders, their families, and sponsors in McDonnell Hall after the liturgy. Eighth graders dress up for this important occasion.
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  • Service Opportunities In School

    Through service, Christians put their faith to work. OLPH students find plenty of opportunities to actively practice their faith during the year. Specifically, students serve in these ways:

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  • Service Opportunities After School

    Students of Service gives students the opportunity to live “acts of kindness” - the Corporal Works of Mercy. The objective is to have the children know firsthand the challenges and rewards of caring for those in need. The works of mercy are important because they connect the love of neighbor with the love of God. In the past students have raked leaves for shut-ins, collected gently used shoes, visited retired nuns and sang Christmas carols. In our busy, modern day society, there are multiple ways we can do this meaningful work.

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A Premier Private Education in the Finest Catholic Tradition