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Jr. High Roundball Organizers

The OLPH Administration executes the Jr. High Roundball Tournament as part of an all-school intramural event called the Myles McDonnell Basketball Classic. The Classic includes free throw and “hot shot” contests for first through fifth graders as well as a weeklong intramural basketball tournament for junior high students. A school tradition since 1976, the ongoing success of the Jr. High Roundball Tournament requires the combined efforts of the school and the OLPH Men’s Club. Responsibilities for the event break down as follows:

: The principal oversees the entire intramural event and remains solely responsible for all disciplinary matters related to the Roundball Tournament. The administrative staff distributes team t-shirts to junior high students and collaborates with Men’s Club representatives to produce the Roundball Tournament program. Administrative/faculty members monitor every practice and game to ensure discipline, security, and safety.

Athletic Director: The athletic director is responsible for selecting the teams, recruiting and instructing high school coaches, creating practice and tournament schedules, securing the facilities and equipment for practices and games, creating a schedule for administration/faculty monitors, and serving as a liaison between the school administration/faculty and Men’s Club volunteers.

Men’s Club: The Men’s Club provides all necessary volunteer support to ensure the success of the Roundball Tournament. Specifically, the Men’s Club staffs the scorer’s tables, assigns announcers for every game, secures and instructs referees, solicits and promotes Roundball sponsors, and purchases awards/trophies. Additionally, Men’s Club representatives work with the administrative staff to produce the tournament program.
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